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Another Successful Annual Conference! 

On June 2, 2017 members and guests of the NYSOHC convened at the Radisson Hotel on Wolf Rd in Albany. It proved to be a very informative day for the 100+ attendees. 


On behalf of the Steering Committee and Executive Committee I would like to thank the speakersand our major sponsor:



A special CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Dr. Neal Demby, recipient of the Elmer Green Award. Dr. Demby's career in Public Health Dentistry has touched so many! 




The presentations are now available for your viewing. Please feel free to share the information with your colleagues. 

Dr. Dionne Richardson's presentation, "Oral Health Activities @ the NYS Department of Health":

NYS Oral Health Coalition Meeting DRichardson Final.pdf

Ms. Sylvia Pirani's presentation, "NYS Prevention Agenda 2013-2018: Progress Towards Becoming the Healthiest State":

SylviaOral health slides 5-30-17.pdf

School-Based Oral Health Programs: The Future is Now


GirolamiNYS Oral Health Coalition Mtg PP FINAL.pdf


Ron Oral Health Coalition Presentation5-2017.pdf


Tele-dentistry Trends and Innovation

Megan NYOHC Teledentistry Presentation.pdf


Keynote Speaker: Mr. Patrick Finnerty

"The Federal Landscape: What's Ahead for New York's Insurance Programs?"

Patrick National Policy Landscape Presentation NY 6 2 17.pdf


Lacey Oral Health Conference presentation 6-2-17.pdf






Continuing Education Credits available for Dentists and Dental Hygienists!

2017 Annual Meeting

Friday, June 2

Radisson Hotel, Wolf Road, Albany NY

(Room block in effect until May 22th, 1-800-333-3333 mention the NYS Oral Health Coalition Block- $115/night)

10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.


The Federal Landscape: What’s Ahead for New York’s Insurance Programs?

 Medicaid, Child Health Plus and the Affordable Care Act have been instrumental in reducing the uninsured rate in New York for children and adults and providing oral health and other essential benefits.  This session will provide the latest on legislative and administrative actions in Washington that could impact eligibility, benefits and funding for these programs.  Learn what you need to know about the federal landscape so you can be engaged and be prepared

Keynote: Mr. Patrick Finnerty, Senior Advisor for Oral Health Programs, DentaQuest.  Improving access to oral health services for Medicaid/CHIP children was a hallmark of Patrick’s tenure as Medicaid Director in Virginia. He is a frequent       speaker at national conferences and symposia regarding Medicaid, CHIP and other health care topics.  Patrick will be joinedby key New York advocates to talk about what is at stake for health coverage and provide information on efforts to protect these programs.


 New York State Oral Health Program Update

 Dr. Dionne Richardson, DDS, MPH, Dental Director, New York State Department of Health, Division of Family Health

 Need to know what is going on in oral health?  You’ll find out here.

 NYS Prevention Agenda 2013-18:  Progress Toward Becoming the Healthiest State

 Sylvia Pirani, MPH, MS, Director, Office of Public Health Practice, NYS Department of Health

Discussions will be underway soon for the next Prevention Agenda. Learn about the progress that has been made and thoughts for the coming version.


 ·         Tele-dentistry Trends and Innovation

 ·         School-Based Oral Health Programs:  The Future is Now

A room block is in place, mention the NYS Oral Health Coalition meeting to receive the special rate.



NYSOHC - Supporting the development of leading oral health strategies in New York State since 2009.

New York State Oral Health Coalition

c/o Healthy Capital District Initiative

Kevin Jobin-Davis, PhD

175 Central Avenue

Albany, NY 12206

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© 2018 by NYSOHC.

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